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The Smart Heat & Light Company are dealers for the Honeywell Hometronic system, a residential control system that provides full room by room zone control for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.

The system uses unique low-power wireless communications to create a fully networked heating control system. The combination of accurate room sensors and motorised actuators means that room temperatures are controlled much more closely and evenly when compared with traditional thermostats and radiator TRVs.

All rooms are wirelessly linked back to the boiler room to ensure that the boilers & pumps only operate when a room actually requires heating thereby maximizing energy efficiency.

This combination of room-by-room control and heat demand feedback to boilers means that savings of 25% or more in annual heating bills are easily achievable.

Using robust wireless technology means that the system can be installed into existing houses with the minimum of fuss and effort, no costly rewiring or plumbing works are necessary.

The system has a simple user interface to ensure it remains easy to use and offers interfaces to remote control using your telephone or full control from a web browser (both within the home or over the internet).

For more details or to request a brochure pack please visit our
contact page.

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Honeywell Hometronic Radiator Controller picture